Being a good leader

As a top executive, one must be a good leader. The first quality of a good leader is to be encouraging. If the leader is not urging the team to keep moving, no matter how well they work, it will be for no cause. As a team captain for the JV volleyball team, I learn how to be a leader everyday. For instance, today, during an intense game, I found myself yelling at my teammate. Instead of uplifting them, I ended up bringing them down. I quickly fixed myself and we won the game together.

     Another quality to a leader is to be creative. For an event or a business to be successful, it must grab attention of others. Creativity adds a little more fun into one's work and leaves everyone happy. Whether it be telling creative jokes before volleyball games to loosen everyone up or creating a new game for a social gathering, creativity, if used right, can get one very far.

The last quality of a leader is to be smart. This may include knowing which decision is best for, not yourself, but your group. It may also include sacrificing something you wanted to do to compromise and satisfy the people you work with. Although it is hard to give up something you like, as a leader, you should be able to see the greater goods in a sacrifices you make. As you make those sacrifices, you will gain the trust of your co-workers and it will eventually strength the group as a whole.

Being a captain is sometimes challenging because you have certain expectations that are expected of you. When everyone is losing hope because we are down by seven points, you need to fight the flow fo the mood and bring everyone back up, even if you yourself are not sure if we can do it. You are expected to keep your cool during games, no matter how frustrating it is. However, it is all worth it when you lose as a team and you win as a team.